It was a wonderful day at Uguisu sim. Winter almost over, everybody craving for springtime. I sat down with Ramona to have a nice chat at her home. She was so kind to offer me a tea :)
Saphyrial Sella: How did you happen to find Nightingale's Estates? *smiles*
Ramona Renard: Initially, I was with a friend who was looking for a Japanese-styled place to live and he brought me here.I fell in love with the architecture immediately. Of course, I had to make Nightingale's my home :-)
SS: You are one of our residents that has been with us longer :) Why did you stay?
RR: Everything here is beautiful. And I must say that renting from you has been a joy :-)
SS: *giggles* we really have spent good times together :)
RR: Yes we have. It's wonderful that we have formed a close friendship :-) If I remember correctly, I first moved to Nightingale in April 2007 and to Uguisi Island in October 2008.
SS: Omg!! Almost two years! We are getting old *giggles*
RR: We are. lol I can't imagine living anywhere else.And, two of my neighbors have been at Nightingale's/Uguisu for as long as I have, if not longer :-) I enjoy the island a lot. The shops in the market are wonderful. And we've had fun times at the tea house :-)
SS: yes *giggles* we have! Looking back now, living at Nightingale's has enhanced or improved your experience in SL in any way?
RR: It definitely has. I thoroughtly enjoy living here. There have been a few times in the past two years when things in RL weren't going very well and I thought perhaps I would leave SL. But, coming to my beautiful home on this beautiful island always brightened my day. I feel totally at home here :-) The island is very peaceful and helps to come "home" after a hectic day of RL work :-)
SS: *nods* We all know that RL is not always as we may expect. Having a peaceful and enjoyable SL home seems to have been important even to your RL.
RR: It definitely does :-) And personally, I don't think there's a more peaceful place in SL than here:-) The views are fantastic, and I must say that you and Ficc have outdone yourselves in developing Nightingale's :-)
SS: Oh dear... you just made my day :) thank you so much Ramona!
RR: It's true, Saph. I have a few friends who live elsewhere in SL. They always seem to be having one type of problem or another. The owners allowing clubs or shopping malls that upset the ambiance of their homes. I know that will never happen here.
SS: *chuckles* no, it won't
RR: and that is one of the reasons I initially moved to Nightingale's.
SS: Our main goal is to provide residents with safety and respect their own privacy, as you know.
RR: I know it will never happen here. The only changes that have been made are to enhance the beauty that is already here :-) Yes, we have never had any problems here at all. Which is another reason I enjoy living here as much as I do. At times, we have visitors who stop by to tour the island. They're all very friendly and are amazed at what they see here and I enjoy showing them around :-)
SS: Thank you so much Ramona, for sharing your SL living experience with us :) The love you feel for your home , is almost "touchable" and can be seen just by looking at your home, the landscaping you did. It so lovely! So, we are the ones who have to thank you for everything!
RR: You make my being in SL a total joy :-) and I can't thank you enough :-)
SS: You know you can always count on us :) anything can be changed, improved :) that's our job :)
RR: Yes, unfortunately I must return to RL work, but I'll be back later to enjoy my home and relax :-) I'm very grateful to you and Ficc for providing this beautiful place :-)
SS: Wonderful :)) Thank you for inviting me to have this delicious tea :)) I'm going to let you have your lunch and work :)
RR: you're very welcome :-)
Saphyrial Sella bows with respect
RR: Take care! See you again soon.
SS: Have a wonderful day :))) and take good care of yourself :)
Ramona Renard: bows respectfully
RR: thank you, and you as well :-)
And I left Ramona Renard's home. She has been a friend, supporting us in our SL experience; going through our own issues and land situations.
Just a last image of her home in SL. Ficcionista and me don't really have the words to express the gratitude we feel for such loving and harm hearted people we met in SL; they also give us the honour of living with us!